I have to admit that I now have a soft spot for Ron Fong after he expressed his deep disappointment when he found out that I won't be able to attend next year's convention. The dates just won't work for me, as I am a kindergarten teacher, and next year's dates coincide with the first days of school. However, I'm sure Linda Ocasio will do a fabulous blog and I'll look forward to seeing many of you (hopefully) the following year. Until then:
Some convention attendees had fun dressing up as comic book characters for the Saturday night Banquet.
Mary Bolster, Diana Lax and I pose for this photo during the banquet on Saturday night.
Jan McKay gave a wonderful presentation on the "Artwork of Helen Page." She brought examples of Helen's published work and then MANY pieces of Helen's original artwork. She shared some very entertaining stories of how she had acquired some of the pieces. Helen and her husband also made puppets and you can see one of the marionettes in the photo above. Thank you so much, Jan, for going to the trouble of hauling all your treasures to Kansas City and sharing them with us. Also, thanks to Jan's "assitant," Sam McKay.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
David Wolf is getting ready for his presentation, "A Star Paper Doll Book is Born." But after listening to his talk those in attendance learned that the "labor" can drag on and on and on before ANYTHING actually gets "born." Above, we see several of the many heads of Donna Reed that David drew trying to find one that would not only satisfy himself, but also satisfy Donna Reed's family. As of now, the book is still on hold. None of us had any idea of what might go on behind the scenes before a paper doll book actually IS born! Thanks David for sharing your process with us. Now we will appreciate your paper doll books even more!
One evening a group of us met in the hospitality room and had a show and tell. Elaine Price showed a very sweet book called, "Multi-Head Paper Dolls." Lettie Schwartz, who has obviously been collecting for many years, was thrilled to find the treasure above. Letty told us that she had a partially cut version of this book but was able to upgrade when she found this uncut copy which was in really nice shape. The cover still had a little shine to it!! Lettie said that she had been looking for an uncut version of this set for years. Which goes to show you that you never know when that one special paper doll you've been seeking for years just might show up!!
Here's a nice picture of "the guys." We were waiting for a workshop to begin, but I don't remember which workshop it was?? From left: Ron Fong, David Wolfe, Scott Jorgenson, and Jim Howard.